(215) 922-7225 Emergency Dispatch - National Sky-Page: 1-800-495-6369 (enter your call back number with area code) The U.S. SAR Task Force  is a state and federally recognized rescue department created...

Weather Related Information

United States Search and Rescue Task Force Canadian Meteorological Centre Operations Branch CANWARN Severe Weather Program Skywarn Weather Channel WeatherNet: Software Library WeatherNet: Travel Cities Weather Westwide Avalanche Network Receive today's weather...

Heat Related Illnesses

Fluid Balance All the body's fluids make up one large body fluid pool. Losses of fluid from any one source is reflected in the levels...

Questions & Answers

Community Emergency Response Team How Do We Start A CERT Program? CERT requires a partnership between community members and local government, emergency management and response agencies. ...

Holiday Safety Tips And Greetings !

The holiday season can be a hectic time.  The potential for injury rises at holiday time with increases in, burns, fires, thefts, robberies, etc. Each...

In Memoriam

  Line-of-duty Deaths of Law Enforcement Personnel This web site memorial section is dedicated to law enforcement officers who gave their life for their community...

Community Emergency Response Team

  Course Agenda and Supplies For CERT Certification The CERT training is offered throughout the year by the U.S. SAR Task Force...

Requirements For Ranger Status

United States Search and Rescue Task Force Ranger applicants must have the following upon application.  This ensures a well-rounded expert in the emergency services field.   Upon acceptance...

Frequently Asked Questions By Prospective Personnel

What type of organization is the U.S. SAR Task Force? The United States Search and Rescue Task Force is a private not-for-profit organization which is...

Cold  Water  Survival

Cold Water What is it?  It is difficult even for an expert to define.  It is estimated to be around and under the temperature of...

Our Editors

Michael Volker

With a degree in medicine, Michael Volker has made it his mission to educate as many people as possible about health, fitness, medicine and supplements. In order to help people with various problems, Michael reviews and tests the best supplements on the market. Thus, he wants to provide clarity and protect the interested parties from bad purchases.

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